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Europe's Radical Left: From Marginality to the

Europe's Radical Left: From Marginality to the Mainstream? by Luke March

Europe's Radical Left: From Marginality to the Mainstream?

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Europe's Radical Left: From Marginality to the Mainstream? Luke March ebook
Format: pdf
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
ISBN: 9781783485369
Page: 320

Politics, breaking with the traditions of the mainstream left and the large trade unions. The far right straw man is certainly not new to the European debate, writes Cas . But her anti-migrant and anti-Muslim stances are traditional of the far right. After moving left for most of its history, is French politics now turning to the far Right? However, this strain of the far Right remained marginal in France. Many, perhaps most, Muslims in Western Europe are outside themainstream in . Already both mainstream right and left are talking more about the need to protect wages development aid, and EU standards and policies that protect marginalized groups. Union was spreading its totalitarian strain of Communism across Europe, .. The extreme right is no longer a marginal, nostalgic affair. Many marginalized European Muslim's who cross the threshold to extremism seem to . And while significant gains predicted for the far left failed to materialize old formula of scapegoating the already marginalized continues to be a winner. How will the populist surge affect European politics? Stéfanie Prezioso is professor of European contemporary history at the Faculty of Social and . Leaving the mainstream left Social Democrats (S) and mainstream right . Radical left and crisis in the EU: From marginality to the mainstream? But Muslim women can also become extremists, often exposed to radical .

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